Monday, July 21, 2014

It Will Be Given in The Very Moment

Kia Ora my Brothers and Sisters!

Man what a week this has been. For starters.... DUN DUN DUN!!! I got transferred! ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING! I am out of Hamilton, and I am now in a place called Gisborne (mom my hat) hahaha. It is awesome here! It was an 8 hour drive to get here... That was fun.. kinda not really.. but its over! I love it here! Its exactly how we picture New Zealand, just forest everywhere! And to make this place even better, we are next to the beach which is a huge blessing seeing how i have not seen the beach since i have been here in New Zealand.



My new Companion is the man! His name is Elder Lolo, he is from Samoa and he ends his mission this transfer. So I have been sent here to make sure he doesn’t get trunky, or lazy. Bringing the hammer down. WELCOME TO EARTH! It was a two day drive down here, so I only just got here on Friday. But man I love it. The people here are so nice. Its a lot of fun starting all over again in a new area! People have no idea who you are! I am one of the only white Elders here that is not from Utah. So when i tell them where i am from, their minds are just blown.


This Sunday was awesome!! I had the privilege to give a talk. The person that was supposed to talk didn’t show up, so right before church started, they said, could you give a 15 minute talk today? Oh yeah sure... I'd love to..  Man I was so scared... So i was scrambling to find something to speak on, but nothing was coming. Then I had the scripture pop into my head, that it be given the very moment, so i stopped. No Joke the minute i got up to the pulpit to speak, i was washed with words.  I spoke for the whole 15 minutes, without a pause. The spirit was so strong. I didn’t think I did that well, but everyone said that they really enjoyed it, and that they love my accent! "What are you talking about?! You all have the accent" but i forget i am the foreigner.


Oh so we met with an investigator, he has been having a hard feeling the spirit, so as soon as we finished talking to him he says " I need to have you over more often, i feel really good when you are here" THATS THE SPIRIT MY MAN! So we invited him to read and to pray to know if the gospel is true, we will see how it goes!!


OH MY GOSH so this Sunday we had dinner with this man named brother Lloyd. This guy is the most knowledgeable person in the scriptures of everyone that I have met. He told us stuff that just blew our minds. But what made the dinner even better.. was there was not a speck of green on the dinner table…all meat. Brother Lloyd would say. "Cows eat veggies. I eat cow, so therefore I eat veggies' MY MAN!! i think i will fit in just fine!


I sure love you all! hope all is well!

I have such a firm testimony of this gospel! I love it so much!!

-Elder Gish


PDay (Preparation Day)


