hi:) this week was seriously the BEST EVER!! I feel like I can move a mountain!
We had a Temple trip on Friday! GUESS WHO THE TEMPLE PRESIDENT IS!! SIDNEY GOING!! hes the rugby player that Elder Anderson talks about in a conference talk! HIM !!!! I Was in star struck mode! like " DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE" and he said "ELDER GISH HOW ARE YOU?" oh man I know how it feels when girls meet Justin Timberlake now.. I was like bam!
anyway.. :) then Saturday and Sunday was General Conference, and holy cow! so powerful! I could say so much about it but the main thing I got out of it was this. " You have been called to serve, not called to OBserve". In PMG there is a secret to successful work. Ready? here it is.... that we get to work. nothing gets done until we work. but not only work, but work with faith. Sometimes on a mission we don't understand why were aren't getting any blessings, but WE push forward, The Lord WILL NOT leave us comfortless. I know that is true! When my Journal runs out ill be sending it home for the next church auction, so everyone can read about how amazing a mission is :) haha im just kidding. But really this was amazing!
SO the work this week was way awesome! We had a temple trip on fri, General Conference Saturday and Sunday. That doesn't get you motivated to work nothing will.. But a crazy thing happened. On Thursday we had exchanges, we went to go see an investigator and the mom told us off.... so my companion and I prayed to ask where we would go next, we had this feeling to go see an investigator that didn't want us around, but we had the feeling to go there. but as we got there the spirit LITERALLY stopped me. and told me not to go in. I was so confused!!! like why the heck did I bike 15 miles to be stopped! but we have to be humble, obviously the spirit wouldn't waste our time. so my companion and I walked and I had this feeling to go to a house with its lights on ( oh btw it gets dark here at 6:30pm and it was 8:00pm). we go there and and lo and behold we get a new investigator out of this house, the guy’s name was Paul and had just moved to Rotorua 2 months ago! it was a testimony to me that there are no accidents, I thought I knew where I was. I was in the right area, just the wrong spot. CRAZY!!!
That was my week! what I find is that I receive blessings when im not looking for them. Let that simmer in your minds for the week:)
This work is amazing:) I love you all!
your kiwi -Elder Gish