Hey Everyone!
Guess who is officially in the mission field! THIS GUY!
I am in in Rototuna ( mom my hat) This place is so awesome! {Shannon here: Chase has a special hat with Hamilton, NZ Mission embroidered on it. He wants us to write each place he serves somewhere on the hat.}
We are on bikes and literally everywhere we go we got honked at followed by a HI ELDERS! It just makes you feel way good. We are cycling about 20-30 miles a day, yes miles not Km. I feel like I have hulk legs. At the same time, Rototuna is very hilly so I feel like Kung Fu Panda with stairs. I'll see a hill and be like " ah we meet again... hill" and then its a battle from there.. usually the hill wins.. I think I'm allergic to it.. I get all winded, and red when I’m done.. I might need to talk about it to President Rudd...
So my trainer is way cool! His name is Elder Harmon. He is the man. We work so hard every day, but that to be expected. But the craziest thing happened this week! As we had our companion prayer, we asked if we could meet a family of 5 to teach. So we were out tracting and having 0 luck... a few door slams followed with some words that I don't think had any vowels in the them. We were so down, and in our doubt my companion had me lead to find someone! I had no idea where the heck I was! I was relying all on the spirit to guide me.. and as were cycling we came to a dead end. and I kid you not the Spirit literally told me to look for a white car.... and WAM!! there was a white car... my mind was blown! So we decided to knock on the door and a women answered! We did a quick Restoration lesson and gave her a pamphlet and she accepted to read it. At the end we asked if we could say a prayer ( which is a lot of fun by the way) and she accepted! and!! INVITED HER KIDS!! one. two. three! 3 kids show up! we suspect the husband was gone! But it was a family of 5! can you say MUURRACLES!!! It is amazing how, when in out doubt the Lord picks us up! and then gets us ahead! It was truly humbling for me to experience it!
The Lord blesses us in our obedience!
Now here is the challenge/ question of the week! Do you have the works to match your faith? "Faith without works is dead" we read that in the scriptures. But are you working as hard as your faith is. Faith is something we rely on a lot. It’s hard, but the best story of faith I think comes from the bible. when the children of Israel were being chased out by Pharaohs servants. When they got to the red sea, the sea wasn't instantly parted they had to get their feet a little wet before the miracle. It was asked by our zone leaders... and it really hit me. We have been working really hard. We talk to around 30 people a day (which doesn't sound like a lot, but it is.) But after this I’m willing to push even harder.. exhaust myself even more. The work of salvation is not be taken lightly.
Don't freak out Mom and Dad but a cyclone hit New Zealand, it wasn't to bad! but my comp and I where still out working, we are literally soldiers of God doing His work... the rain is the least of our worries. But the coolest thing happened! Even though we were getting wet doing the work... we were dry when we got home!
That's all my time for now!
love you all!
KIA KAHA! ( that means be strong Maori)
-Elder Gish